- Diversified Technique
- Electrical Stimulation
- Massage Therapy
- Nutritional Consultations
- Physiotherapy
- Ultrasound
- Modern Equipment
- Full Spine Adjustments
- Isotonic Stretching
- Isometric Stretching
- Cardiovascular Improvement
- Relaxation Technique
- Meditation
- Applied Kinesiology
- Gonstead Approach
- Sacral-Occipital Technique
- Full Spine Adjusting
- Hydrotherapy
- Traction
- Trigger Point Therapy

Cryotherapy is a pain treatment that uses the method of localized freezing temperatures to kill irritated nerves. Cryotherapy is used to also treat some cancer areas as well as abnormal skin cells by dermatologists. Cryotherapy works by climbing into a specialized chamber that harnesses the power of liquid nitrogen and refrigerated cold air. It will rapidly cool off your entire body and will stimulate your sympathetic nervous system through your skin’s cold receptors.

Diversified Technique
The goal of the Diversified Technique is to reduce nerve interference. There are no special or unique procedures needed. Patients are assessed using these various mechanisms: history and basic examination (orthopedic and neurologic), palpation, x-ray, leg checks and reflex procedures as well as others.
The procedure involves analyzing the full spine and extremities. The majority of adjustments used in Diversified are manual adjustments, HVLA (high velocity, low amplitude), or long lever manipulations aimed at cavitating the joint and creating an audible release. This sound is known by patients as the “popping” or “cracking” sound associated with adjustments. Some chiropractors utilize specialized equipment such as drop tables or pelvic blocks.

Electrical Stimulation
Electrotherapy is an alternative pain management treatment option that involves the use of mild electromagnetic pulses to provide relief for the patient. This treatment option can dull pain, repair tissue, strengthen muscles, and even improve your blood circulation.

Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is the manual manipulation of soft body tissues (muscle, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments) to enhance a person’s health and well-being. There are many types of massage therapy methods (also called modalities). People seek massage therapy for a variety of reasons; for example, to reduce stress and anxiety, to relax muscles, to rehabilitate injuries, to reduce pain and to promote overall health and wellness.

Nutritional Consultations
Here at Premier Spine Center of Florida we want to help you on your journey towards health and wellness. Our goal is to help you achieve total health and balance with your body. In order to achieve that goal, we are here to offer specific recommendations on nutritional supplements and healthy food choices to help you maintain a healthy weight.

It is important to understand that often times where the pain presents is not the area that needs to be treated. The pain may be due to that area compensating and being over-worked from another area not pulling its weight. Our rehabilitation program includes strength, flexibility and agility training as well as training focused on coordination of body parts and motion to prepare the individual to return to full participation.

Ultrasound therapy is a chiropractic treatment used to help reduce muscle pain and increase range of motion. By using sound waves, we are able to stimulate deep inside the tissue. This minimizes stiffness, swelling, and pain while also promoting circulation, and pain-free movement.